Lindemans Belgium & Mikkeller Authentic Lambic Spontanbasil Gueze 6.0% 750ml

  • Lindemans Belgium & Mikkeller Authentic Lambic Spontanbasil Gueze 6.0% 750ml

    Lindemans Belgium & Mikkeller Authentic Lambic Spontanbasil Gueze 6.0% 750ml 11ec8f8ac4ca70169380027280fcbba8

    • Each$47.99
    • 12-Pack$439.98
    • Mix any 24$36.66

    That lambic is a versatile beer needs no further explanation. We have yet to discover where its limits lie. And new boundaries is something that the 'gipsy brewery' Mikkeller likes to go searching for. And so, one day they knock on the door of Brewery Lindemans.

    "The Belgian Lambics have something mysterious about them," says Mikkel Borg Bjergsø, founder of Mikkeller. "The spontaneous fermentation process adds to that mystery. We have been experimenting with pretty much all beer styles, and finally we got to work with Lindemans lambic!"

    Breaking the mold among existing beer styles, the brewers combined efforts to craft a gueuze with a twist. The result? SpontanBasil. An authentic old gueuze beer with fresh basil and a surprisingly fresh taste. ABV 6%.

    We offer mixed cartons across our whole beer range, you can mix your own case of 24 beers no restrictions and get every beer at the case discounted price! Simply Select 24 or more beers and they will automatically drop to the cheapest price per unit. The best of both worlds with all the beer variety at the best price.

    Order Lindemans Craft Beer from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or visit us in store to see our extensive range of local, international and craft beer with over 1200 different ones to choose from

    $47.99 (inc GST)