Angove Long Row Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml

  • Angove Long Row Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml

    Angove Long Row Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml 11ec8f8ac427c5fa98f8027280fcbba8

    • Each$9.98
    • 6-Pack$53.94
    • Mix any 6 wines$8.99

    Tasting notes:

    Colour: Medium straw.

    Aroma: A lively citrus nose with upfront fruit notes of apple, pear & subtle herbal notes. 

    Palate: A clean & crisp palate which has a similar profile as on the nose. The apple & pear is well accompanied by other stone fruit flavours. 

    Finish: A long lasting nutty finish.

    Serving Suggestion: Freshly shucked oysters.

    Alcohol Percentage: 12%.

    Product Description:

    Made from 100% Chardonnay the grapes were picked early to ensure we retained the vital acidity needed in sparkling wine. The grapes were pressed & cold settled prior to racking & innoculation with a carefully selected yeast strain. The wine was left ‘sur lie’ for an extended period to develop a subtle yeasty toastiness prior to bottling. 

    The Angove range of Organic wines are certifi ed by COFCC – no synthetic chemicals, pesticides or herbicides were used in the production of this wine. They are as nature intended, crafted with just the gentlest touch from our winemakers.

    $9.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)