Boekenhoutskloof Porcupine Ridge Syrah 750ml

  • Boekenhoutskloof Porcupine Ridge Syrah 750ml

    Boekenhoutskloof Porcupine Ridge Syrah 750ml 11ec8f8ac44a904e8fab027280fcbba8

    • Each$26.99
    • 6-Pack$143.94
    • Mix any 6 wines$23.99

    The nose is opulent and entices with its dark and red berry fruit profile, showing black cherry, redcurrant, ripe plum and fruitcake aromas with whiffs of marzipan, baking spices, cloves and cured meat. The rich berry nose follows through onto vibrant, lithe and exceptionally smooth mid-palate with hints of blueberry, dried herbs and potting soil. This balanced wine is medium-bodied, smooth and svelte with very fine cocoa powdery tannins. Dark chocolate and hints of white pepper and nutmeg linger on a classic mocha finish.

    Buy your bottle of Boekenhoutskloof Porcupine Ridge Syrah wine today from our online store. Or come to our Perth store to browse 1000's of different wines from around the world including wines from South Africa. We post Australia wide and also offer same day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.

    $26.99 Per Bottle (inc GST)