Fever Tree Sicilian Lemon Soda 200ml

  • Fever Tree Sicilian Lemon Soda 200ml

    Fever Tree Sicilian Lemon Soda 200ml 11ec8f8ac485b7149175027280fcbba8

    • Each$2.80
    • 4-Pack$8.99
    • 24-Pack$49.98

    Product Description:

    Lemon Tonic is our name for Bitter Lemon. One of the most sophisticated mixers invented, this delicious drink has been ignored by the major drinks companies for years and many now have no idea what it is or how to drink it. By blending the highest quality Sicilian lemon oils with our signature quinine from the Congo, we’ve restored the taste and quality of this fantastic mixer’.

    Order the Fever Tree range from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or come in store and shop from one of Perth's largest liquor ranges with over 120 gins to mix.

    "$2.80" Each (inc GST)