LS Merchants Margies Wilyabrup Shiraz 750ml

  • LS Merchants Margies Wilyabrup Shiraz 750ml 11ec8f8ac4cabbc08ffb027280fcbba8

    • Each$35.99
    • 6-Pack$197.94
    • Mix any 6 wines$32.99
    LS Merchants Margies Wilyabrup Shiraz 750ml - $35.99 (inc GST)
    Product Description:

    This has to be our most popular wine! Punters love it, so juicy and smooth it ticks the boxes for Shiraz while still keeping vineyard identity and a unique profile.
    Sourced from the Kailis vineyard in Northern Wilyabrup, gravel soils and low yields leads to fruit that is concentrated and powerful.

    The 2019 Vintage was not the best for shiraz in Margaret River but this vineyard held it's own, destemmed to open fermenters for 25 days then basket pressed to 20% new Hungarian oak (gives spice) bottled unfined after 7 months in barrel.

    Cherry, plum, slight char, juicy fruit, elegant.