Hahndorf Hill Shiraz 750ml

  • Hahndorf Hill Shiraz 750ml

    Hahndorf Hill Shiraz 750ml 11ec8f8ac4a3010ca428027280fcbba8

    • Each$42.99
    • 6-Pack$227.94
    • Mix any 6 wines$37.99

    Product Description:

    This cool-climate Shiraz is elegant yet plush with oodles of fresh, poached plums, crushed blackcurrants and gentle spice. The palate is smooth and full with juicy red berries, gentle herbs and spice, and all well supported by excellent structure, a juicy acidity with a long, gentle finish. Perfectly matched to rare sirloin steak or a crispy pan-grilled lamb cutlet.

    We offer mixed wine six packs across our whole wine range, you can mix your own 6 or more pack of wine with no restrictions and get every wine at the case discounted price! Simply Select 6 or more wines and they will automatically drop to the cheapest price. The best of both worlds with all the wine variety at the best price.

    Order Hahndorf Hill Wine from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or visit us in store to see our extensive range of local Australian, national Australian and international wine with thousands of different ones to choose from.  

    "$42.99" Each (inc GST)