Whisky Overview:
Ardbeg 10 Year Plus UIGEADALE 50 ml Gift is a whisky which is perfect for every occasion. Made with much care and precision, it has a great balance and depth on the nose. This whisky has a fullness to it, that is loved by whisky connoisseurs, laden with teasers of toffee and chocolate sweetness, cinnamon spiciness and medicinal phenols. This whisky has fresh citrus and floral overtures of white wine, along with melon, pear drops, cream, iodine and smoked fish top notes. Hickory and coffee emerge later on. For taste, it has a clean sweetness, followed by a mouthful of peat notes with tobacco smoke and strong espresso coffee, overpowered by treacle sweetness and liquorice. There is a long and smokey after note, with a smokey sweetness left on the palate.
About Ardbeg:
Ardbeg is a quaint whisky crafting house in Scotland. Called 'as close to perfection as makes no difference' is underlying proof that Ardbeg is known for its attention to taste and nose when it comes to Whisky. Praises and enjoyed by whisky lovers around the world, it has been named "World Whisky of the Year' approximately four times over the last seven years.