Wild Turkey American Honey Bourbon Liqueur 35.5% 700ml

  • Wild Turkey American Honey Bourbon Liqueur 35.5% 700ml

    Wild Turkey American Honey Bourbon Liqueur 35.5% 700ml 11ec8f8ac54c33a89ff4027280fcbba8

    • Each$60.99

    The famous Wild Turkey brand would get its name from a hunting trip attended by distillery shareholders in 1940. The shareholders were indeed hunting - wild turkey.

    In 1976, the first bourbon liqueur would be released to the world. The Wild Turkey Liqueur would pave the way for the creation of American Honey.

    In 2006, American Honey would be unveiled to Bourbon lovers across the world. A blend of real Wild Turkey bourbon and authentic American honey.

    In 2011, American Honey would be awarded a double gold medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. The liqueur would also go on to win a gold medal at the 2013 and 2014 World Spirit Awards. Bottled at 71 proof, American Honey has strong honey and caramel notes that is perfect to enjoy neat, on ice or with a mixer.

    Order American Honey from our online store. We can ship Australia wide. We also offer same-day deliveries to selected suburbs.

    $60.99 Per Bottle (inc GST)