Richelieu International Premium Brandy 43% 750ml

  • Richelieu International Premium Brandy 43% 750ml

    Richelieu International Premium Brandy 43% 750ml 11ec8f8ac5074b62bb60027280fcbba8

    • Each$69.98

    Richelieu has become a popular brandy in South Africa and embodies the spirit of contemporary France. Produced in South Africa, Richelieu is a full-bodied brandy made with age-old French brandy traditions that create a drink of unrivalled quality.

    Richelieu has a sophisticated maturity that develops from years kept in French Oak casks. The brandy uses breeding, purity and mellowness to enrich the robust flavours.

    You will detect strong scents of vanilla, ripe plums and prunes with a soft hint of almonds. This delectable combination of aromas and flavours allow for a refreshing and smooth taste.

    Order a bottle of Richelieu brandy from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.


    $69.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)