Cenote Blanco Blue Agave Tequila 40% 700ml

  • Cenote Blanco Blue Agave Tequila 40% 700ml

    Cenote Blanco Blue Agave Tequila 40% 700ml 11ec8f8ac45e7e2eb8d6027280fcbba8

    • Each$104.99

    Cenote is a tequila of the highest quality and their agave grows to full maturity for a minimum of six to seven years before being harvested from the lowland region of Jalisco, Mexico.. The blanco has a sensationally fresh aroma of citrus and spicy pepper notes. It has been barrel aged for 3 weeks in American oak barrels to keep it a lively tequila. It has a subtle spice palate but really increadably smooth.

    Order a bottle of Cenote Tequila from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or come in store and shop from our large range of tequilas.

    $104.99 (inc GST)