Giniversity London Dry Gin 40% 500ml

  • Giniversity London Dry Gin 40% 500ml

    Giniversity London Dry Gin 40% 500ml 11ec8f8ac4992434afdb027280fcbba8

    • Each$65.99

    The Giniversity London Dry Gin is a release from the Margaret River Distillery Co, located in Western Australia.

    Western Australia’s South West region is home to a variety of native plants including coriander, citrus and meen. The subtle use of pepper in their recipe, makes this a London dry gin that has an incomparable taste unlike no other.

    The Margaret River Distillery Co allow visitors to the distillery to attend their “Giniversity Workshop”. As part of the workshop you are taken through the intricate process of developing a fine-tasting gin, and at the end of the day you are awarded as an honorary distiller!

    Purchase your bottle of Giniversity London Dry Gin today from our easy to navigate online store. We can ship anywhere in Australia. We can also allow for same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.


    $65.99 Per Bottle (inc GST)