Haymans Sloe Gin 26% 700ml

  • Haymans Sloe Gin 26% 700ml

    Haymans Sloe Gin 26% 700ml 11ec8f8ac4ac6c24825b027280fcbba8

    • Each$64.99

    Haymans has been run by the same family for five generations since 1863. This has allowed Haymans to perfect their gin recipe over the years and continue to make a high-quality gin that is rivalled by very few.

    Haymans Sloe Gin is made using English Sloe berries that are steeped in English Gin for three to four months. This creates a gin that is rich in plum aromas, subtle hints of almond.

    A popular Sloe Gin recipe is the ‘Sloe Royale’. To make this drink, pour one shot of Sloe gin into a champagne glass. Top up with sparkling wine and garnish with lemon or orange.

    Purchase a bottle of Haymans Sloe Gin from our online store. We can ship anywhere in Australia. We can offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.

    $64.99 Per Bottle (inc GST)