Launceston Distillery Tawny Cask 500ml

  • Launceston Distillery Tawny Cask 500ml

    Launceston Distillery Tawny Cask 500ml 11ec8f8ac4ca26a6b515027280fcbba8

    • Each$189.99

    A handcrafted, small-batch Tasmanian whisky made using the finest Tasmanian-Grown malted barley and South Esk River water. From grain to bottle everything is done in the distillery. This is a bottle of only 590 bottles produced in this batch. 46% Alc.  Batch H17-02 

    Order a bottle of Launceston Tasmanian Single Malt Whisky from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or come in store and shop from over 500 different whiskies in store.

    $189.99 (inc GST)