Bundaberg Original Rum 37% 700ml

  • Bundaberg Original Rum 37% 700ml

    Bundaberg Original Rum 37% 700ml 11ec8f8ac454cadcbbd5027280fcbba8

    • Each$54.99

    Bundaberg Rum has been perfecting its blend since 1888 and has since grown to become one of Australia’s favourite rum suppliers. In 1890, a small order of Bundaberg Rum was sent to Western Australia, and it appeared the locals couldn’t get enough.

    Next in line to get a taste of the classic rum would be Sydney and Melbourne, it would be here that Bundaberg would establish themselves as an Australian favourite. Bundaberg Rum proudly sources quality 100% sugar cane from Queensland, which is then transformed into a rich, warm mix of caramel flavours.

    Each bottle is aged to perfection for at least two years is white oak wooden vats. You will never be short of supply with this smooth classic. The Bundaberg distillery in Sydney can bottle a whopping 120 bottles per minute. Bundaberg Rum is best enjoyed over a tall glass of coke and ice.

    A true Aussie classic! Don’t forget the Bundaberg Bear, he will keep your drink cool all year round.


    Bundaberg Rum 700ml can be ordered today through our online store. We also stock a wide range of other Bundaberg products that can be added to your order and we can ship it to anywhere in Australia.

    $54.99 Per Bottle (inc GST)