Southern Comfort Black Whiskey Liqueur 40% 700ml

  • Southern Comfort Black Whiskey Liqueur 40% 700ml

    Southern Comfort Black Whiskey Liqueur 40% 700ml 11ec8f8ac51b9d6a964d027280fcbba8

    • Each$59.98

    Southern Comfort has been making whiskey for more than 140 years and has since become one of the most popular whiskey brands in the world.

    Southern Comfort Black is a new and improved take on the classic spirit. If you enjoy a whiskey that is smooth and bold, make sure you give this a try!

    This drink has a slightly higher ABV than normal Southern Comfort - with 40%. Expect blood orange, caramel and milk chocolate flavours to emerge as you enjoy this dark-coloured whiskey liqueur.

    This is a very versatile drink that can be mixed with your favourite cocktails or enjoyed neat over ice.

    Purchase a bottle of Southern Comfort Black 40% Whiskey Liqueur from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or come in store and shop from over 500 whiskies. One of Perth's Largest Whisky ranges.

    $59.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)