El Jimador 100% Blue Agave Reposado Tequila 38% 700ml

  • El Jimador 100% Blue Agave Reposado Tequila 38% 700ml

    El Jimador 100% Blue Agave Reposado Tequila 38% 700ml 11ec8f8ac47c24f6ae36027280fcbba8

    • Each$69.98
    • Each$44.99

    It’s no surprise that El Jimador Double is the number 1 selling 100% agave tequila in Mexico.

    Hard work and passion goes into making their tequila. They source only the very best Weber blue agave to deliver a tequila of the highest quality and taste.

    This full-bodied drink has strong notes of vanilla and subtle hints of hazelnut and cinnamon.

    The tequila is double distilled and then aged in American oak barrels for at least one year. Make sure you enjoy this drink slowly and capture all the flavours as the drink opens up.

    Order a bottle of El Jimador Double from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.

    $69.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)