Espolon Reposado Blue Agave Tequila 38% 700ml

  • Espolon Reposado Blue Agave Tequila 38% 700ml

    Espolon Reposado Blue Agave Tequila 38% 700ml 11ec8f8ac4855d28aee5027280fcbba8

    • Each$79.98

    At the 2011 San Francisco World Spirits Awards Espolon Reposado collected a gold medal for their superb tequila.

    This well-rounded tequila has strong flavours of roasted agave mixed with sweet tropical fruit and vanilla spices.

    On the nose, it’s a little spicy with a subtle hint of caramel fudge.

    A popular cocktail to make from Espolon Reposado is called the ‘Mexican Mule’. Add 1 ½ part of tequila, ½ part of lime juice and top up with ginger beer. Garnish with a wedge of lime to really help bring out all the fruity flavours.

    Order a bottle of Espolon Reposado from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.

    $79.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)