Patron XO Cafe Tequila Liqueur 35% 750ml

  • Patron XO Cafe Tequila Liqueur 35% 750ml

    Patron XO Cafe Tequila Liqueur 35% 750ml 11ec8f8ac4f36d22b7f9027280fcbba8

    • Each$119.98
    • Each$73.99

    Patron XO Cafe is a dark tequila with strong flavours of sweet, coffee liqueurs. It’s made in small batches from the finest agaves sourced in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico.

    The tequila is mixed with high-quality fine coffee from Southern Mexico. The finished product is a smooth, yet dry liqueur.

    Their meticulous approach to tequila made by Master Distiller Francisco Alcaraz has allowed Patron to become one of the most popular and respected tequila brands in the world. This drink is ideal for almost any cocktail - warm, frozen, shaken or stirred.

    Order a bottle of Patron XO Cafe from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs.

    $119.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)