The Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey 700ml

  • The Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey 700ml

    The Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey 700ml 11ec8f8ac52fdeb0b34d027280fcbba8

    • Each$99.98

    Tasting notes:

    Aroma: First, bourbon comes out swinging, followed by vanilla – all sweetness and light. Then the rest of the gang pile in: spice, fruit, malt. Now you know what you’re up against.

    Palate: this is a punchy, heavy-hitter. While the bourbon and vanilla are working you over in a one-two, the spice notes are running riot. This is classic Irish with a definite edge.

    Finish: Long and luscious.

    Alcohol Percentage: 44%.

    Product Description:

    The Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey is aged for five years in bourbon casks and then finished in small virgin oak casks, made especially for The Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey, until Darryl, the Master Distiller is satisfied it has reached perfection.

    Order a bottle of Dead Rabbit Whisky from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or come in store and shop from over 500 whiskies. One of Perth's Largest Whisky ranges.

    $99.98 (inc GST)