Whisky Overview:
The Amrut Fusion Indian Whisky has revamped the liqueur scene in India. Considered to the 3rd best whisky in the world by Jim Murray in his 2010 Whisky Bible, this whisky is an impeccable combination of flavors, aromas and texture, which is most delightful to the palate. A spectacular oaky, barley sugar nose, does not disappoint in taste, with the complex flavors of custard cream, toffee and dried fruits. Definitely not the faint-hearted, it has a perfect balance on the finish, and is nothing short of enjoyable.
About Amrut:
Amrut was the first single malt to be produced in India. With this, it has made its mark globally because of its traditional production techniques and taste notes. Interestingly, India consumes almost as much whisky as the rest of the world put together and rightly so. You cannot go wrong with a bottle of Amrut, which has been commended over the years for its exceptional deliverance.