Belgrove Peated Rye Whisky 500ml

  • Belgrove Peated Rye Whisky 500ml

    Belgrove Peated Rye Whisky 500ml 11ec8f8ac43bf796b41c027280fcbba8

    • Each$199.98

    Whisky overview: 

    Belgrove Peated Rye Whisky is a unique and first-of-its-kind whisky. Manufactured in the heartland of Tasmania, in Australia this straw-gold whisky has given whisky a whole new meaning. This expression is created by the distillery using its very own grain, malts, ferments and aged barrels. On the nose, it is mildly meaty with a sweet aroma of vanilla and honey fudge. On the the palate, it is smokey and fruity with a pleasant hint of caramel and burned apricot, making it a very desirable drink. It is has a long-lasting, lingering after-taste, with a smokey finish. 

    About Belgrove: 

    The Belgrove is an Australian distillery which is known for its pioneering single malt expressions. The distillery grows its very own grains, in order to be self-sufficient and sustainable. This approach has won Belgrove international acclaim, not only for its production process but also the unique quality expressions it churns out. 

    Order a bottle of Belgrove whisky from our online store. We proudly ship to anywhere in Australia. We can also offer same-day delivery to selected Perth suburbs. Or come in store and shop from over 500 different whiskies instore

    $199.98 Per Bottle (inc GST)