Chivas Regal 12 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky 50ml

  • Chivas Regal 12 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky 50ml

    Chivas Regal 12 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky 50ml 11ec8f8ac45ec4429a20027280fcbba8

    • Each$7.50

    Whisky Overview: 

    The Chivas Regal 12 Year is recognised as one of the world's most distinguished drinks. It is widely seen as a symbol of sophistication and success – now a supersized success with this 4.5 Litre Whisky Cradle edition, making a perfect gift as well. The classic, premium Scottish Whisky, Chivas Regal credits its distinctive characteristics to having been aged in fine oak casks for no less than 12 years. 

    About Chivas Regal: 

    Chivas Regal is a world famous brand of blended Scotch whisky produced by Chivas Brothers, and is part of Pernod Ricard. Chivas Regal traces its roots back to 1801, with its distillery in Strathisla, the oldest operating Highland distillery, which was founded in 1786. It is a market leader in scotch whiskies 12 years and above in Europe and Asia Pacific. 

    $7.50 Per Bottle (inc GST)